American Bulldog

The American Bulldog bred originated from the English Bulldog around the end of the 17th and beginning of the 18th century, in America. Colonists needed protection both in moving across the vast expanses of new lands and in grazing. The main problem for farmers at the time and in that area were wild boars, various kinds of rodents, hares, foxes, and wolves.
If cats were brought in to fight rodents, then more serious helpers were needed to fight boars, foxes, and wolves. The colonists, including those who arrived on the legendary ship Mayflower, brought both cats and dogs with them.
Dogs – English Bulldogs and dogs of an indeterminate breed freely crossed among themselves, as a result of which the American Bulldog appeared. It had many of the characteristics of the English Bulldog but was much larger and therefore better suited for defensive and offensive functions.
Slender, muscular, and tall (up to 70 cm), these dogs have a very similar head structure to the English Bulldog. The ears are folded forward, but they are usually cropped at a young age. The chest is wide. Their whole physique directly indicates the strength and innate qualities of a fighter and a guard. Colors can vary, but the most common are white and white with black spots.
The American Bulldog is gaining weight and muscle mass well. Today there are three main types of American Bulldogs:
- Bully or Classic, also known as the Johnson type;
- The Standard type (also known as Performance), is also called the Scott type;
- Hybrids of the aforementioned types.
Despite the innate qualities of a fighter and protector, these are very kind and easy-to-handle dogs. They get along well with children and people of all ages, have an inexhaustible supply of energy, love to spend time outside, and love games and strength training. They fit perfectly into any family and can become a friend for a lonely owner, establishing strong relationships with their loved ones.
Although these dogs have a very friendly and open character, nevertheless, in dealing with them (and in particular in the process of training and education), the same openness, justice, and kindness are required. Inadequacy, unfair shouting, or beatings will have an extremely negative effect on the psyche of the animal.
The American Bulldog breed requires early socialization, especially if there is a child in the house. The same can be said about cats – a dog needs to be taught from an early age about the presence of a cat in the house, otherwise, it will be much more difficult to do in the future. Despite the fact that the American Bulldog feels fine in an apartment, it is still preferable to keep him in a house. So that the dog has constant access to the yard, and can let out its energy in various ways.
The American Bulldog is a very open and extremely active dog, which should be the starting point in education. If the animal does not get to walk freely and get tired from training and running around, it will not be able to realize its energy reserve. This can lead to a variety of problems – from a mess in the house while you are at work, to disobedience on a walk when the dog can run away and it will take you hours to get him back.
If you go for a walk, add variety – in addition to the standard stick throw, try going for a run with your dog, teaching him commands, and encouraging success. It is also important to communicate with other dogs on the streets – that is, you can communicate with their owners, and your pet will be happy to play with new friends. There shouldn’t be any problems in this regard.
Their short hair requires little to no care, bathing can be done as needed but at least once a week. Be sure to keep the eyes and ears clean, and trim the claws.
Common Disease
In general, this is a healthy breed, with good immunity. But the American Bulldog can still be prone to:
- K Cataracts, demodicosis, and hypothyroidism;
- The breed can develop hip or elbow dysplasia, especially if dogs gain weight too quickly in their first two years;
- Some American Bulldogs may suffer from brachycephalic syndrome and find it difficult to cope with hot weather. Dogs with white or mostly white coats are more prone to sunburn and possibly skin cancer (in rare cases). Protective cream for dogs can help when they are outside for a long time.
Responsible breeders test individuals for hip dysplasia. This is why your puppy’s parents should have medical certificates for hip dysplasia screening, including a hip assessment.